יום שבת, 28 במאי 2011

The Last Boy Scout

A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback to try and solve a murder case involving a pro football team and a politician.

The Last Boy Scout

The Last Boy Scout

A down and out cynical detective teams up with a down and out ex-quarterback to try and solve a murder case involving a pro football team and a politician. Written by Ed Sutton <esutton@mindspring.com>

Joe Hallenbeck is a burned-out detective. Jimmy Dix is an ex-LA Stallions player. Hallenbeck was hired to protect a stripper named Cory. Dix is Cory's boyfriend. When Cory is executed during a drive-by shooting, both Hallenbeck and Dix try to get to the! bottom of the case. Written by Ridley Lavine

When the girl that detective Joe Hallenback is protecting gets murdered, the boyfriend of the murdered girl (ex-football player Jimmy Dix) attempts to investigate and solve the case. What they discover is that there is deep seated corruption going on between a crooked politician and the owner of a pro football team. Written by Jason Ihle <jrihl@conncoll.edu>

Genres: Action Comedy Crime Mystery Thriller

Release year: 1991

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